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Downtown Racine hosts 4th annual Chili Ice Walk Feb. 24

Brace yourselves for a sizzling adventure at the Downtown Racine Corporation’s Chili Ice Walk – Where Ice Meets Spice and the Hunt is on! Join us on Feb. 24 from 12 pm to 4 pm as Downtown Racine transforms into a winter wonderland of chili samplings, ice sculpting, and an epic scavenger hunt! This free community event promises a day packed with frosty fun and fiery flavors.


Prepare to be mesmerized as professional carvers turn blocks of ice into frozen masterpieces along Main and 6th St. Capture the magic and stay tuned on our Downtown Racine Corporation Facebook page for the people’s choice voting – because your opinion matters!


Come with an appetite and dive into a chili-sampling frenzy at 16 of Downtown’s finest restaurants. From Red Onion to The Maple Table, the chili lineup is as diverse as it is delicious. Don’t forget to grab your scorecards for the Best Chili competition – available at and our DRC office at 425 Main St.


Embark on a Chili and Ice-themed scavenger hunt through the windows of 20+ businesses. It’s a quest filled with surprises, and it won’t cost you a dime to participate! Complete the hunt and walk away with a $5 downtown gift card. Pick up your official Scavenger Hunt maps at the DRC office or starting Feb. 15.


Cap off the festivities with the grand finale of Downtown Racine’s Craft Beer Week. Bars and restaurants will be pouring free craft beer samples and offering exclusive discounts. It’s the perfect way to toast to a day well spent!


Worry not about parking – head to the Lake Avenue Ramp, 3rd & Lake Ramp or the McMynn Ramp for just $3.50 all day.


Don’t miss the Chili Ice Walk – where icy sculptures, hot chili, and thrilling hunts come together for an unforgettable experience. Bring your friends, family, and your appetite for a day of winter bliss.


Graciously sponsored by:

Racine Art Museum, Hotel Verdant, In-Sink-Erator, BID #1, Pub on Wisconsin, RG Natural Babies, Lakeview Pharmacy, CJW, and Mt. Pleasant Tourism



DOWNTOWN RACINE CORPORATION: Downtown Racine Corporation, a non-profit whose mission is to foster economic, social, and cultural diversity by stimulating business development, programming events, and marketing downtown to the community, developers, and tourists.
